A side story:
0f the eight children my grandpa had, only 3 of them had children. I have mentioned dad's children already, I want to mention one of my brothers son, Johnny Lynn Horner, he answered the call to preach at a early age, He pastors a church in Minier Illinois. Lydia and I visited them in 1985. He told me he was going to preach longer than his Great grandfather Rufus Calvin Horner. Well he has accomplished that, he told me he has passed 42 years! Keep up the good work John. Dads brother Joseph Calvin Had 7 girls and one boy his name was Wright. Wright had a son by his first wife {I am unable to remember her name} their son's name was Walter. Walter has a funeral home in Cookeville Tennessee. I visited him there and took him a picture of Rufus, his Boys and His grandpa Calvin Horner. I talked to Walter’s son Jason that works with him in the funeral home. I think Walter had other children. I might mention Wright Horner had another marriage and more children. I visited them one time when I lived in Morristown Tennessee, but I cannot remember any of their names.